We are pleased to forward CGC’s fixtures for 2019 in an electronic calendar format or ICS format. Here’s how to import the CGC Fixtures on to your phone or default calendar:
=> Download CGC Fixtures 2019
> Create a new calendar in your Google calendar (Suggest to name it "CGC2019")
> Go to “Settings”
> Add Calendar (select this ICS file)
> Add to... "CGC2019" (the new calendar you've just created)
> Select “Import”
> Click or double click on this ICS file
> Remember to add to a new calendar and name it as “CGC2019”
FOR iOS (iPHONE) PHONE USERS (only via your PC):
If your iPhone has been set-up to sync with your PC or laptop calendar:
> Open WhatsApp Desktop on your PC or laptop
> Click on the ICS file or download it onto your computer (remember where you downloaded it to... which folder, desktop...)
> Open your desktop calendar - usually iCal or Calendar (Mac); Google Calendar (on the web); or, Outlook.
> Select “Import”
> Select this ICS file which you have just downloaded
> Select "Add All"
> Select "Create New Calendar" (Suggest that you create a new calendar “CGC2019” using a different colour)
> Click “IMPORT”
> Then SYNC your desktop calendar with your iPhone
The CGC Fixtures for 2019 should now be in your phone’s calendar and if it is set-up to sync with your desktop or default calendar, it should be there as well.